
A list of some strange things about Candida Auris.

1) It arose in at least five different areas of the world at about the same time. A significant effort is being made to portray this peculiarity as being related to ‘global warming’, but a much more plausible explanation is that the outbreaks were seeded by an individual or group with a specific motive, similar to Covid.

2) it occurs more often near large bodies of water, which suggests one natural reservoir may be a water animal *or plant*, as with some related fungi. It could also be a feature of 'gain of function' to help it survive on human skin. 

3) It can live at temperatures much higher than other related fungi, maybe suggesting a natural reservoir may be a bird.

4) It has less visibility to parts of the immune system than similar fungi, which also may indicate it was artificially developed. 

Worth noting that it generally enters the bloodstream only in people who are objectively considered ‘about to die’. In other words it is more opportunistic than harmful.

5) It has quickly developed resistance to many anti fungals. This may be in part because it was in people who were being treated for something else, and it survived the course of treatment. It also may have reverted to a form that evolves quickly, in order to compenste for the loss of access to a symbiotic bacteria with which it was paired. It's current 'fast evolving' form allows it to 'learn' genetic resistance from other organisms around it, including other species. 

6) It is very difficult to diagnose without sophisticated equipment, even in developed countries. This suggests there may be numerous additional 'clades' or strains along coastal Africa, Asia and Latin America.

7) It can assimilate genetic information in unusual ways, and overlapping strains may 'share' genetic information involving anti fungal resistance and other things.

8) Candida auris is more sensitive to acids than closely related species of fungi. 

9) By 2017 it was found in more than half of Indian ICUs tested. 

10) There have been two studies from India claiming it was found in a natural environment, both studies having major red flags, indications the results are probably not valid. 


Probable origin of C auris.


C auris fits the bill in a lot of ways for an organism engineered for a specific purpose, probably by people with a political motive.



